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Equipment have stats which modify the character's stats. They also have affinity which makes them better at using certain types of abilities.

Equipment Stats

The different types of stats are:

  1. Health Points (HP)
  2. Attack (ATK)
  3. Defence (DEF)
  4. Attack Speed (ATK_SPD)
  5. Movement Speed (MV_SPD)


Equipment are on-chain NFTs on Aptos, using the latest Digital Asset Standard.


Equipment Part

There are 6 different types of Equipment Parts that the character can equip.

  1. Head Gear
  2. Armor
  3. L-Weapon
  4. R-Weapon
  5. Glove
  6. Shoe

The parts are non-interchangeable

Equipment Levels

All equipment start off at level 1, unless otherwise stated. Equipment can be refined to reach higher levels, in a process known as Equipment Refinement, by burning some Eigen Shards. Each level upgrade also upgrades the stats of the equipment. The maximum level that equipment can be upgraded to is level 50. This may be changed by governance votes.

Equipment Grades

There are 5 Grades for Equipment (worst to best)

  1. Ordinary
  2. Good
  3. Great
  4. Supreme
  5. Legendary

Equipment can be enhanced to a higher grade by burning some Eigen Shards. The process is known as Equipment Enhancement.

Higher equipment grades unlock stronger abilities in-game.

Equipment Affinity

Equipment has an affinity belonging to one of the different ability types. If the equipment has an affinity an ability type, it further increases the damage of the ability.

Things you can do

Equipment Refinement

Increases the level of an equipment, which in turn increases the equipment stats. Some Eigen Shards are used in the process.

Equipment Enhancement

Equipment is improved by a tier grade by fusing with another equipment of the same name and tier. The equipment with the lower level is destroyed. Some Eigen Shards are used in the process.

Equipment Reforge

Equipment can be reforged by destroying the current one, and in the process creates a new equipment with higher growth stats. The maximum possible stat would be higher, but the equipment level is reset to 0 and the tier is reset to Ordinary. Eigen Shards will be consumed in this process. The number of shards used is determined by the equipment.